
Adult Leaders

We wouldn't be able to do anything in this Troop without the help of our amazing adult leaders!
Charter Organization Representative/Executive Officer/Order of the Arrow Troop Advisor/ASM
Robert Rhymes
Troop 255B Scoutmaster
Christopher Bastian
Troop 255G Scoutmaster
Monique Espitia
Committee Chair
Debbie Damoth
Gerald Lee
Troop 255B Assistant Scoutmasters
Arnold Cunanan
Josh Damoth
Todd Eberle
Monique Espitia
Jim Hill
Andrew Rhines
Troop 255G Assistant Scoutmasters
Rain Hill
Rick Ibarra
Tamara Morgan
Jeff Rhoades
Troop Advancement Chair
Debbie Damoth
Committee Members
Bob "Bapa" Anderson
Katie Bodie
David Johnson
Gerald Lee
David Lum
Tamara Morgan
Lisa Ponce
Cathy Rhymes
Bruno Siddens

Scout Leaders

Our Troop also has amazing Scout leaders! Our Scout Leaders do most of the work on camp outs, and they are really good at doing skills every meeting!
B Senior Patrol Leader
Daniel C.
G Senior Patrol Leader
Cami L.
B Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Caelan D.
G Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Hailey H.
Frozen Arrows Patrol Leader
Sean P.
Fiery Ferrets Patrol Leader
Adam L.
Thunderbirds Patrol Leader
Lucas  D.
Night Howlers Patrol Leader
Valentina V.
Moonies Patrol Leader
Mikey A.
B Troop Guide
Amun W.
G Troop Guide
Valentina V.
B Quartermaster
Gabriel I.
G Quartermaster
Lexi I.
B Scribe
Caelan D.
G Scribe
Kathryn  D.
Chaplain's Aid
Sean P.
B Historian
Taylor C.
G Historians
Lyric R.
Spencer B.
B Webmaster
Caelan D.
G Webmaster
Mikey A.
Outdoor Ethics Guide
Shayan P.
B OA Representative
Amun W./JD R.
G OA Representative
Andy H.